US State Abbreviations & State Postal Codes
Learn each state abbreviation and postal code. Handy for sending correspondence or just for quick reference!
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Abbreviation: Ala. Postal code: AL
Abbreviation: Alaska Postal code: AK
Abbreviation: Ariz. Postal code: AZ
Abbreviation: Ark. Postal code: AR
Abbreviation: Calif. Postal code: CA
Abbreviation: Colo. Postal code: CO
Abbreviation: Conn. Postal code: CT
Abbreviation: Del. Postal code: DE
District of Columbia
Abbreviation: D.C. Postal code: DC
Abbreviation: Fla. Postal code: FL
Abbreviation: Ga. Postal code: GA
Abbreviation: Hawaii Postal code: HI
Abbreviation: Idaho Postal code: ID
Abbreviation: Ill. Postal code: IL
Abbreviation: Ind. Postal code: IN
Abbreviation: Iowa Postal code: IA
Abbreviation: Kans. Postal code: KS
Abbreviation: Ky. Postal code: KY
Abbreviation: La. Postal code: LA
Abbreviation: Maine Postal code: ME
Abbreviation: Md. Postal code: MD
Abbreviation: Mass. Postal code: MA
Abbreviation: Mich. Postal code: MI
Abbreviation: Minn. Postal code: MN
Abbreviation: Miss. Postal code: MS
Abbreviation: Mo. Postal code: MO
Abbreviation: Mont. Postal code: MT
Abbreviation: Nebr. Postal code: NE
Abbreviation: Nev. Postal code: NV
Abbreviation: N.H. Postal code: NH
Abbreviation: N.J. Postal code: NJ
Abbreviation: N.M. Postal code: NM
Abbreviation: N.Y. Postal code: NY
Abbreviation: N.C. Postal code: NC
Abbreviation: N.D. Postal code: ND
Abbreviation: Ohio Postal code: OH
Abbreviation: Okla. Postal code: OK
Abbreviation: Ore. Postal code: OR
Abbreviation: Pa. Postal code: PA
Abbreviation: R.I. Postal code: RI
Abbreviation: S.C. Postal code: SC
Abbreviation: S.D. Postal code: SD
Abbreviation: Tenn. Postal code: TN
Abbreviation: Tex. Postal code: TX
Abbreviation: Utah Postal code: UT
Abbreviation: Vt. Postal code: VT
Abbreviation: Va. Postal code: VA
Abbreviation: Wash. Postal code: WA
Abbreviation: W.Va. Postal code: WV
Abbreviation: Wis. Postal code: WI
Abbreviation: Wyo. Postal code: WY
US Territories
American Samoa
Postal Code: AS
Abbreviation: Guam Postal code: GU
Marshall Islands
Postal code: MH
Postal code: FM
Northern Marianas
Postal code: MP
Postal code: PW
Abbreviation: P.R Postal code: PR
Virgin Islands
Postal code: VI