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SHOCKING Electric Safety Facts for Kids! (2024 Updated)

We all know what electricity is and what it is used for. Electricity makes lights bright, runs cool gadgets, charges our phones, and runs our lives. Most appliances in our homes and schools need electricity to work. 

Electric Safety Facts for Kids

But it deserves serious caution and smart handling. This article teaches the dos and don’ts for playing safely around electricity indoors and out.

Let’s dive right in and look at some caution facts about electric safety for kids. 

What Makes Electricity Dangerous?

One thing that you must know about electricity is that it moves super quickly. Always quicker than you can pull your hand away! Our human bodies are electric conductors. Our body has electrically charged particles like sodium, potassium, and chloride ions, making it able to conduct electricity well.

Sounds cool, huh? Well, this actually gets us electrocuted quickly, which is dangerous. It can cause nasty burns, breathing issues, and even heart problems.

So respecting electricity is a must to stay safe!

Electrical Safety Indoors

Our homes have electrical gadgets, outlets, and cords everywhere. We all use them on a regular basis. So, if we are not careful, we might get an electric shock and it has serious consequences. Be smart with them by using them with caution. Follow the “dos and don’ts” mentioned below to be safe. 


Do not plug in electrical devices on your own. Only plug in with the help of an adult. Do not go on touching and playing with electrical tools and appliances.  Always handle charging electronics carefully and with adult supervision. 

Make sure you keep food and liquids far away from electric items. With water or fluid, it will be easier and more dangerous to get electrocuted. 

Outlets & Plugs

Electric Plug

Even if an outlet is dead or does not work, never stick fingers or objects in it. While plugging or unplugging, gently plug and unplug cords by the heads; do not touch the wire. Make sure to always pull cords out of sockets by grasping the large “plug” part. Do all of these under adult supervision only. 


Make sure that all the cords are neatly tucked away and out of walking areas. Ask your parents and teachers to check for cracked, frayed, or damaged cords and wires and replace or fix them as needed. Don’t tightly wrap cords or trap them under furniture, doors, etc. 

Ask your guardians or teachers to fix loose connections and wobbly plugs right away. 

Safety Gear

Be a safety superhero and ask your parents and teachers to put safety caps on unused outlets. Make sure they use cord organizers and wraps to bundle loose wires. Also, ask them to buy protective wall-mounted cases for accessible outlets. 

Electricity Gloves

These safety gear will make sure that you’ll be safe while playing indoors. 

Electrical Safety Outdoors

Electric safety is not just for indoors; you need to follow safety practices while outdoors also. 

When playing outside, watch out for:

  • Power lines hanging above.
  • Green electric boxes on the ground.
  • Big grey power line towers.
  • Rain puddles and sprinkler streams.

If you see any of these, inform an adult, be it your guardians or teachers. 

While playing outside, stay safe by doing the following. 

  • Stay really far from power lines, boxes, and towers.
  • Never fly kites or balloons near overhead wires.
  • Keep all electric toys away from puddles/sprinklers. 
  • No climbing trees near power lines. 

Always inform your guardian before going outside to play. 

Asking Grown-Ups For Help

As mentioned, asking an adult will help us stay safe around electricity. Remind them to do the following:


Man doing wire Inspection

Ask them to do regular inspections around the house or school. Ask them to check cords, outlets, and devices for damage. Fix them as required. Also, remind them to update old outlets to tamper-resistant ones. 


If you, your friends, or siblings are using electronics, make sure your parents or guardians are closely watching. Let them charge devices for you to avoid overloading outlets and accidents. 


Ask your teachers or parents why electric outlets are dangerous. Be smart and make your parents set family rules on safe electric usage. 

Inform parents about any electrical worries right away! They know what to do.

​​What To Do if Someone Gets Shocked

Man working on elecricity pole

If you see someone get electrocuted, DON’T touch them! The first step is to get adult help immediately. Do not grab the person or any object shocking them. If the power source is easily reachable and safe, turn them off. 

Fun Facts About Electricity

Did you know about the following cool facts about electricity? 

  • More electricity is produced during lightning strikes on the earth in one day than what our power plants make in an entire year!
  • Thomas Edison tested over 6,000 plant materials like bamboo and cotton before finding a material for the light bulb filament that glowed without burning up quickly.
  • Electric eels and rays have special body parts that allow them to electrocute their prey with jolts of electricity up to 860 volts!


Why do I get zapped when I touch something metal after sliding down a plastic slide?

The friction between the slide and your body creates static electricity. When the extra electrons jump onto the metal, they are trying to get back into balance, which gives you a zap!

Is it true birds can sit on power lines without getting hurt?

Yes! Birds have non-conductive feathers that allow them to perch safely. We human humans don’t have that natural protection.

Why do balloons stick to my hair after I rub them on my head?

Rubbing the balloon creates static electricity, giving your hair and the balloon opposite charges. Opposite charges pull together like magnets, making the balloon stick!

If my kite gets stuck in wires, why shouldn’t I try to get it down myself?

The wires could be electrical lines with dangerous amounts of power. Never try to grab things caught in wires yourself. Let an adult call the electric company to retrieve it safely.

Conclusion: Playing Smart For Safety

Electricity makes so many awesome things possible! But we have to be smart and careful with outlets, cords, and devices for safety.

Remember – glowy bulbs, cool gadgets, and toys need your smart thinking and actions to enjoy safely!